《Astro 國際華裔小姐競選2011》 Miss Astro Chinese International 2011 held on October 29, 2011 over Astro Wah Lai Toi Channel 311 at 8.00 pm live from Genting Highlands

photo source (top 3 & 10): http://www.kwongwah.com.my/

22 year-old Lenna 林家冰is the newly crowned Miss Astro Chinese International 2011
Miss Astro Chinese International 2011 Results

冠军(Miss Astro Chinese International 2011):Lenna 林家冰

亚军(1st Runner-up):#8 Kate 黄慧洁

季军(2nd Runner-up): #2 Joey 张祖儿

殿军(3rd Funner-up): Vivienne 温慧茵

4th runner-up: 第五名:Evonne 郑淑樱
最佳才艺 (Miss Talent): Joey 张祖儿
完美体态小姐(Miss Beautiful Body):Kate 黄慧洁
最上镜小姐(Miss Photgenic):Lenna 林家冰
亲善小姐 (Miss Goodwill): Sophie 郑念诗
Meet Miss Astro Chinese International 2011 Finalists

1. Evonne 郑淑樱,21岁,来自砂拉越,身高165cm,体重45kg,职业:化妆师

2. Joey 张祖儿,21岁,来自吉隆坡,身高161cm,体重45kg,职业:韵律体操教练

3. Stephy 刘诗荟,22岁,来自马六甲,身高167cm,体重54kg,职业:大专生

4. Sophie 郑念诗,22岁,来自雪兰莪,身高165cm,体重52kg,职业:广告模特儿

5. Ivory黄秋萍,23岁,来自槟城,身高166cm,体重43kg,职业:品牌设计

6. Joevy蔡香琴,23岁,来自柔佛,身高168cm,体重46kg,职业:活动策划

7. Lenna 林家冰,22岁,来自彭亨,身高170cm,体重48kg,职业:大专生

8. Kate 黄慧洁,22岁,来自吉隆坡,身高165cm,体重50kg,职业:大专生

9. Vivienne 温慧茵,23岁,来自霹雳,身高163cm,体重52kg,职业:大专生

10. Casswen 林蔚妏,23岁,来自吉隆坡,身高160cm,体重42kg,职业:秘书
Courtesy of/source: http://www.facebook.com/
Courtesy of/source: ASTRO BENDIQUAN
Congratulations to the winners!
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

《Astro國際華裔小姐競選2011》 20強靚相登场:

Courtesy of ASTRO BENDIQUAN facebook
Do click here to watch: 《Astro國際華裔小姐競選2011》 面试实录
source: (Thank you and credits to
Astro Wah Lai Toi 311
and all sources for the information and pictures)